
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Eggdrop 1.6.19 Released

posted by guppy on 18 April 2008 @ 11:59 pm CDT

Hi folks,

I'm pleased to announce the release of Eggdrop 1.6.19 -- which is the first release in a _long_ time and hopefully I didn't mess it up :)

You can grab it from

Please see the UPDATES1.6 file in the doc directory for information on things that have changed since Eggdrop 1.6.18.

MD5 Sums:
c64938e1d2245f5d2ef9bd1253c65dc9  eggdrop1.6.18-1.6.19.patch.desc
35927e50da1e0a73ab9cdd71f32534e0 eggdrop1.6.18-1.6.19.patch.gz
99860ea1a4d486d74019d3bbc26f8d95 eggdrop1.6.18-1.6.19.patch.gz.asc
b706bbe4fdd05964e0ea0cd920f28539 eggdrop1.6.19.tar.bz2
a01a09f972d8aace7733d7796610f062 eggdrop1.6.19.tar.bz2.asc
4d89a901e95f0f9937f4ffac783d55d8 eggdrop1.6.19.tar.gz
934ba78e6b4e50cbc00ed834e4e20849 eggdrop1.6.19.tar.gz.asc
PGP Key:

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